jorejick home.

jorejick home.

jorejick home.

Experimental African Home

Karatu, Tanzania [2021]

arriving home

The Jorejick House is meant to be an attempt to design a house that could be low-cost, low-maintenance and, combined with simple and modular technology, could help promote the participation of the community during the construction and allow the family to build step by step the house, according to their needs and means.

perspective section

concept diagrams

reinterpreting vernacular.

reinterpreting vernacular.

reinterpreting vernacular.

Vernacular architecture, which is characterised by its reliance on needs, construction materials and traditions specific to its locality, has been the core of the project: the aim is to conceive earth as a modern and sustainable building material, using traditional handicraft and simple methods. The use of only three materials, bricks, bamboo and wood, recurs throughout the entire building. On-site production offers the possibility of employing local materials and the same excavated soil for wall construction.

constructive exploded axonometric

open layout.

open layout.

open layout.

Five blocks are grouped around two main courtyards, the biggest of which integrate the existing trees into the new layout. The south-west courtyard surrounded by the three bedrooms blocks has a more closed configuration compared to the north-east one which is defined by the living and kitchen blocks and has a more permeable appearance.
