
Valencia Social Housing

Valencia, Spain [2018]

People must be given the opportunity to live in a place that knows how to adapt to their needs. Moreover, collective housing must be reinvented by imagining intermediate habitats that combine the desire for intimacy with the pleasure of socializing.

concept diagrams

introvert vs extrovert.

introvert vs extrovert.

introvert vs extrovert.

The intent of the project is to break the canonical division between internal and external, between private and collective. The building stands as an introverted element in stark contrast to the dense traditional context of the barrio de El Carme. However it opens onto the south front in an intimate courtyard that establishes a dialogue of continuity with the city.

Here the building opens up into a series of balconies connected by suspended bridges, which have the purpose of connecting the common spaces and accommodations creating new spaces for shared living.





The modularity of the apartments, aggregated in an alternating composition, generates a system of loggias with different porosity that give dynamism to the overall composition of the façades facing the street, and moreover gives the inhabitants new spaces for social life.

apartments plans

perspective section