the bridge.

the bridge.

Xi'an Trainstation

Xi'an, China [2020]


The Xi’An train station proposes himself as a bridge between the city of East and the Western World. The shape of the building comes from the three main references: the city of Xi ‘An, the banks of the Feng River and the smooth peaks of Mount Hua.

concept diagrams

program and materiality.

program and materiality.

program and materiality.

The building closes in a hug around the railway, ideally separating it from the city but keeping always a visual connection with the surrounding. Walls rise to form high galleries and then narrow into cramped corridors, to open again into the big courtyards.

The concept of materiality becomes a transversal theme at the scale of the city, use, sensation and function. The dimension of materiality is mainly dictated by the program: the building needs to be open towards the city and the citizens and functions and accesses need to be easily recognizable.

The façade of the train station is mostly introvert, except for some strong openings where the entrances are, while on the upper floors the building discloses himself to the city.

the platform

trainstation hall

the hotel

hybrid circulation.

hybrid circulation.

hybrid circulation.

On the ground floor the three main halls welcome visitors and sort traffic according to the function: hotel, trainstation and office. Large staircases connect the ground floor to the upper floor where waiting rooms, shops and ticket offices are scattered around the big courtyard that enlighten the railway and hosts the vertical connection to the platforms.

The third floor hosts several cafés and shops and it is topped by five floors of hotel and offices. The offices are mostly open space, except for some meeting rooms and private office in the south-east wing. The hotel rooms are arranged around a big courtyard and are all equipped with a loggia which, thanks to movable panels, can be opened towards the city or closed, guaranteeing greater privacy.